How He Asked | Jenna + Paul

Jenna and Paul met in an unlikely place, but the Lord answered their prayers for a relationship grounded on a shared faith in Christ and the Catholic Church. From there, love grew and blossomed into a sweet proposal in front of a statue of the Blessed Mother, nestled in a Marian grotto. 


In Jenna’s Words: Paul and I met February of 2018 through a dating app. We were both praying to meet someone with a heart for Christ and his Church, but did not expect much from a secular dating platform. And yet, when I came across his profile, I noticed he was looking for a woman who shared his faith, which is exactly what I had written in my profile as well. I thought, “this guy is simply too good to be true.” 

When we first met in person after talking online for a few weeks, we sat and chatted and laughed for hours over beer and queso. On our third date we went to adoration together. Then, on March 4, 2018, Paul asked me to be his girlfriend. 

Our relationship is built on our love for Christ. We encourage each other when the other is feeling down, pray together, discuss difficult Church teachings, and strive to always see God in the other. I see Paul as a man seeking sainthood, because his priority is leading a life that is pleasing to God.

Malvern Retreat House in Pennsylvania is one of the largest Catholic retreat properties in America. Long before I met Paul, it became one of my favorite places in the world. I went on several retreats there in college and later led several more there for my students. It has always been a place where I encounter Christ. 

By the retreat center, tucked away in the woods, there is a Marian grotto modeled after Our Lady of Lourdes. I always take a walk down to the grotto to pray when I am on retreat. It is quiet except for the sound of a babbling brook, and I love this spot more than any other. Paul lives in Malvern, Pennsylvania, down the street from this retreat house. After we began dating, we intended to take a walk there, but it never happened because of conflicting plans, laziness, or weather. 

As June 2019 approached, I was preparing to chaperone a school trip to France with several of my students. One day Paul told me, "we should do our Malvern walk before you leave," and I said, “of course!” A trip to my favorite spot with my favorite person.

On June 4, Paul and I were celebrating our 15-month anniversary, so we decided to take our walk that day. When I arrived at his house, I gave him my monthly anniversary card (we do this every month on the 4th). He read my card, gave me a "thank you" kiss, and went into his room to "find my card." He came out a minute later and said, "I can't find your card, but I know it's here somewhere. Let's go take our walk before the sun goes down, and I'll find it when we get back." 

As we got ready to go, Paul put on his drawstring backpack which holds his journal, bible, and rosary. I wasn’t suspicious because we were going to pray. We arrived at Malvern Retreat House and walked down into the woods to the Marian grotto. It was a gorgeous day, and no one was there except us. 

We sat on a bench for a few moments while I rested my head on Paul's shoulder, and then we walked closer to the statue of Mary to kneel and pray. As we got ready to leave, Paul reached into his bag and exclaimed, "I found your card! I forgot I put it in here so you could open it at your favorite spot!" 

I opened the card, and the final line read, "I love you so much, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. It might happen sooner than you think..." I gave Paul a kiss and thanked him, then we got up to leave. Paul immediately took my hand and said, "You know what? How about now." 

He got down on one knee and asked me to be his wife!

I love that Paul, as always, made God the focus of the day. His proposal began with prayer, and Mary is in the background of all the pictures of this important moment. I find peace knowing that Paul is always going to point me back to Christ as we walk this journey towards marriage together.

Photography: Amy and Kyle Catholic Photography | Engagement Location: Engagement Location: Malvern Retreat House, Malvern, PA