Interview with Bridget Busacker

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11/24/2020 | SEASON 1, EPISODE 11

Bridget Busacker, founder of of Managing Your Fertility, shares what Natural Family Planning (NFP) is and isn’t, an overview of the different types of methods, and explains why it matters to us as women and Catholics.

We’ll cover:

  • Why Natural Family Planning is the integration of faith and science, and why it’s necessary.

  • Terminology: Natural family planning (NFP) vs. Fertility Awareness Based Methods (FABMs).

  • Why NFP is NOT birth control.

  • Why does charting matter?

  • How can Managing Your Fertility help someone getting married?

  • What to do if you’re unhappy or struggling with the method you chose.

For further reading:
Isn’t NFP Just “Catholic Birth Control?”

Humane Vitae

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